최대 1 분 소요

The abstraction: Address Space

  • Early Systems
    • OS was a set of routines that sat in memory
    • Use the set of the memory
    • Multiprogramming and Time Sharing
      • Multiprogramming
      • Utilization
      • Efficiency
      • Time Sharing
      • Interactivity
      • Protection
    • The address space
      • easy to use abstract of physical memory
      • code
        • have to live in memory somewhere
      • stack
        • keep track of where it is in the function call chain
        • grow upward
      • heap
        • dynamic allocating memory
        • grows downward
      • The whole thing is just a convention
      • By putting stack and heap opposite, hopefully, grow well
      • What if Multiple threads co-exists → abstraction required
    • Virtualizing Memory
      • Transparency
        • Program should not be aware of the fact that memory is virtualized
        • OS does works to multiplex memory
      • Efficiency
        • OS strive to make the virtualization as efficient as possible
        • Both time and space
        • rely on hardware
      • Protection
        • make sure to protect processes from one another as well as the OS itself from processes
        • Property of isolation -


