2 분 소요

Beyound Physical Memory: Mechanisms

  • Memory Hierarchy → additional level, if OS needs to support large address space, it needs to keep every portion of address spaces even if it is not currently using
    • Hard Disk Drive
    • Why do we want to support a single large space? It is convenient to use
  • Memory overlays → programmers to manually move pieces of code or data in and out
  • Swap space → swap the spaces, pages out of memory to it and swap pages into memory from it
    • Need to remember disk address
    • We should note that swap space is not the only on-disk location for swapping traffic.
    • Safely re-use the memory space for the file that is in the disk storage
  • Present Bit
    • Running process generates virtual memory references → the hardware translates them into physical addresses before fetching the desired data from memory
      • TLB hit, TLB miss
      • PTE
    • If we need to allow pages to be swapped to disk → need to indicate the page is present in the physical memory or not
    • it is set to zero, the page is not in memory but rather on disk somewhere. The act of accessing a page that is not in physical memory is commonly referred to as a page fault
  • Page fault
    • OS is in charge to handle the page fault → page-fault handler
      • Hardware page-fault handler
      • Software page-fault handler
    • OS needs to swap the page into memory → how?
      • the page table is a natural place to store such information. Thus, the OS could use the bits in the PTE normally used for data such as the PFN of the page for a disk address.
      • Disk I/O → update the page table → TLB Miss → Bring up the page to TLB
      • The process will be blocked state so OS will be free to run
      • Overlap of I/O of one process and execution of another way to the effective usage of its hardware
  • Page-replacement policy
    • Page in, Page out
    • Replacing, cost a lot
  • Three cases
    • Page was both present and valid → TLB miss handler grap PFN from PTE, retry the instruction
    • Page is valid but not present, Page fault handler → when the page is legitimate
    • Invalid page access → bug, trap the invalid access, terminating
  • OS to keep a small portion of memory free more proactively
    • High watermark
    • Low watermark
      • OS notice fewer than LW page available, the background thread is responsible for freeing memory runs
      • evicts the page until there are HW pages available
    • Swap daemon
      • Many systems cluster or group a number of pages and write them out at once to the swap partition
  • these actions all take place transparently to the process
  • Replacement occurs
    • high watermark (HW ) and low watermark (LW ) to help decide when to start evicting pages from memory
    • systems will cluster or group a number of pages and write them out at once to the swap partition


