2 분 소요


  • Lock variable
    • Calling lock → acquire the lock and enter the ciritical section
    • thre thread acquire the lock called the owner of the lock
    • Unlock → free the lock again
  • Pthread locks
    • Mutex → mutual exclusion between threads
    • one thread is in the critical section, it excludes the others from entering until it has completed the section
    • we may be using different locks to protect different variables (fine-grained)
    • Mutual exclusion
    • Fairness
    • Performance
  • Earliest solution → disable the interrupt
    • simple
    • need to perform a privileged operations
    • Monopolize processor
    • Different CPU → does not matter of disable interrupts, just go to other process
    • Inefficient
  • Just using load and store
    • test flag is one and holds the lock
    • simply spin-wait
    • Problem
      • correctness
        • Both threads can be set to 1 and able to enter the ciritical section
      • performance
        • Spin-waiting waste the time
  • Spin locks with Test and sets
    • test-and-set (or atomic exchange1) instruction
      • Dekker’s algorithm
      • Peterson’s algorithm
    • returns the old value pointed to by the old ptr, and simultaneously updates said value to new
    • Atomically operates
    • By making both the test (of the old lock value) and set (of the new value) a single atomic operation, we ensure that only one thread acquires the lock.
  • Evaluating Spin Locks
    • Correctness → proved
    • Fairenss → no fairenss guarantee
    • Performance
      • Single CPU → performance overhead
      • Multiple CPUs → work well
  • Compare-And-Swap
    • Or Compare-And-Exchange
    • The basic idea is for compare-and-swap to test whether the value at the address specified by ptr is equal to expected
    • simply checks if the flag is 0 and if so, atomically swaps in a 1 thus acquiring the lock
    • lock-free synchronization
  • MIPS
    • load-linked and store-conditional instructions can be used in tandem to build locks and other concurrent structures
    • Load-linked
    • store-conditional, which only succeeds if no intervening store to the address taken the place

    • Fetch and add
      • ticket lock
      • uses a ticket and turn variable in combination to build a lock
      • does an atomic fetch-and-add on the ticket value
      • The globally shared lock->turn is then used to determine which thread’s turn it is
      • it ensures progress for all threads\
  • Spinning
    • Waste of time slice doing nothing and check
    • Yield approach
      • we assume an operating system primitive yield()
      • thread can call when it wants to give up the CPU and let another thread run
      • move running to ready state → descheduling
      • But potential waste still
    • Sleeping instead of spinning
      • park() to put a calling thread to sleep
      • unpark(threadID) to wake a particular thread as designated by threadID
      • old test-and-set idea with an explicit queue of lock waiters
      • use a queue to help control who gets the lock next, thus avoiding starvation.
      • Add to queue that does not get the lock
        • calling the gettid() function
      • Release the guard after park()
        • flag does not get set back to 0 when another thread gets woken up
      • a thread will be about to park, assuming that it should sleep until the lock is no longer held
        • wakeup/waiting race
      • setpark(). By calling this routine, a thread can indicate it is about to park.
    • Priority inversion
      • If I/O keep occurs on no lock thread, just keep spinning and take the CPU cycle
      • a higher-priority thread waiting for a lower-priority thread → priority inheritance
  • Different OS
    • futex
      • associated with it a specific physical memory location
      • futex_wait
      • futex_wake
  • Two-Phase Lock
    • spinning can be useful, particularly if the lock is about to be released
    • Hybrid approach
      • First Spin phase → lock is not acquired → second phase: caller is put to sleep, wake when lock become frees -


