2 분 소요

Condition Variables

  • Checking whether a condition is true before continuing its execution
    • If the parent thread might wish to check whether a child thread has been completed before continuing
  • Waiting for a condition to become true → condition variable
    • Explicit queue that threads can put themselves on when some state of execution is not as desired
    • When the state has been changed, then wake one of those on the waiting queue
    • Wait
      • release the lock and put the calling thread to sleep
      • Wakes up, re-acquire the lock before returning to the caller
    • The parent continues running itself and thus immediately calls into thr_join()
      • Need to check the child is done and put itself to sleep by calling wait
    • The child runs immediately upon creating, sets done to 1, calls a signal to wake a sleeping thread, and is done. The parent then runs, calls thr_join(), done is 1 already, so does not wait for anything
    • No state variable
      • State variable done → records the value the threads are interested in knowing
      • If there is no thread asleep on the condition → if parent calls wait and no thread can be woke up
    • Race condition
      • No lock
      • Parent check the value of done and set to 0 → Before it calls wait to go to sleep, interrupt
      • Child runs → child change the state variable as 1 and interrupt(signal)
      • no thread is waiting, parent is sleeping forever
    • Producer/Consumer
      • Bounded - buffer
        • Shared resources require synchronized access
      • Producer thread
      • Consumer thread
      • On the multiple threads
        • The state of the bounded buffer changed because of different buffer
        • Mesa semantics
          • no guarantee that when the woken thread runs, the state will still be as desired
          • first research that built a condition variable in such a manner
        • Hoare semantics
          • harder to build but provides a stronger guarantee that the woken thread will run immediately upon being woken
    • While
      • Always use while loops
      • When two consumer run first
        • Both realize the buffer is empty → sleep
        • Produce fill the buffer and wakes the one of consumer
        • Consumer wakes, rechecks the condition, the buffer is full, consumes, then need to wake the producer → how?
        • Signaling is clearly needed
    • Clear signal
      • use two condition variables, instead of one, in order to properly signal which type of thread should wake up when the state of the system changes
      • Example
        • Empty condition
        • Full condition
        • Producer wait on the condition empty, signal fills
        • Consumer wait on fil and signal empty
      • More buffer slots
        • Multiple value can be produced, consumed before sleeping
        • Using put and get
        • A producer only sleeps if all buffers are currently filled
        • A consumer only sleeps if all buffers are currently empty
    • Covering Conditions
      • Wake all waiting threads
        • threads will simply wake up, re-check the condition, and then go immediately back to sleep
        • it covers all the cases where a thread needs to wake up
      • It might be better for certain case


