2 분 소요

Input/output device (I/O)

  • System Architecture
    • Hierarchiacal structure
      • CPU, memory, memory BUS
      • I/O bus
        • PCI
          • Peripheral Component Interconnect
          • High-speed I/O devices such as graphics
        • Peripheral bus
          • Lower speed bus
          • SATA, USB
          • connects to disks, mice, keyboards
      • Reasons
        • Physics, cost
        • a high-performance memory bus does not have much room to plug devices and such into it
    • Modern Computer system
      • DMI
        • Direct Media Interface
        • Devices connect to the chip
      • ATA → The AT Attachment
        • SATA, eSATA
      • USB
        • Universal Serial Bus → Keyborads, Mice
      • PCIe
        • Peripheral Component Interconnect Express
        • Higher performance → networ, NVMe(High speed)
    • Canonical Device
      • Hardware interface
        • present interface that allows the system software to control its operation
        • All device have specified interface and protocol
      • Internal structure
        • specific and responsible for implementin the abstraction the devide presents to the system
          • Simple device such as CPU, memroy, RAID controller
        • thousands of line of firmware
    • Canonical Protocol
      • Status register → current status
      • Command register → to perform certain task
      • Data register → pass data to device
      • Four steps
        • Pooling, waiting for the device is ready to receive a command
        • Sending data
          • Programmed I/O
        • Command using command register
        • OS waits for device poerform the task
    • Lowering CPU overhead
      • interrupt
        • Instead of pooling
        • Interrupt Service Routine
          • Interrupt Handler
        • Allows overlap of computation and I/O
      • using interrupts is not always the best solution
        • Interrupt is expensive, inefficient in the case of simple I/O interrupt
          • Hybrid, two-phased approach
          • First Poll
          • After certain time, interrupt
          • if a device is fast, it may be best to poll; if it is slow, interrupt
        • coalescing
          • device need to raise an interrupt first waits for a bit
          • multiple interrupts can be coalesced into a single interrupt delivery
    • More Efficient Data Movement With DMA
      • when using programmed I/O (PIO) to transfer a large chunk of data to a device, the CPU is once again over burdened with a rather trivial task
        • Copying the data using CPU → trivial task
      • Direct Memory Access (DMA)
        • OS program DMA engine by telling it where the data lives in memory, how much data to copy, and which device to send it to.
        • DMA is complete → raise the interrupt, and the OS knows the transfer control is completed
    • Methods Of Device Interaction
      • explicit I/O instructions
        • previleged instructions
        • OS controls device, directly communicate with the device
      • Memory mapped I/O
        • the hardware makes device registers available as if they were memory locations
        • OS issues a load (to read) or store (to write) the address
        • The memory-mapped approach is nice in that no new instructions are needed to support it
    • Device Driver
      • how to fit devices, each of which have very specific interfaces
      • OS must know in detail how a device work
        • Device Driver solve the question

      • 70% of OS code is found in device drivers
      • Window is high as well
    • An IDE disk presents a simple interface to the system, consisting of four types of register: control, command block, status, and error
      • Basic Protocol
        • Wait for ready
        • Write parameter to command register
        • Start I/O
        • Data transfer
        • Handle interrupts
        • Error Handling
    • Who started first?
      • Not clear
      • people built these early machines, it became obvious that I/O support was needed.


