2 분 소요

Hard Disk Drives

  • the main form of persistent data storage
  • The interface
    • Consist of a large number of sectors (512 - bytes block)
    • Multi-sector operation
      • Updating the disk is atomic
      • it will either complete in its entirety or it won’t complete at all
      • torn write
  • Basic Geometry
    • Platter
      • Circular hard surface
      • Each Platter has 2 surfaces
    • Spindle
      • Connected to motor
      • RPM (rotations per minute)
        • 7200 ~ 15000 RPM
      • Data is encoded on each surface in concrete circle
        • Track
    • Reading and writing is accomplished by the disk head
      • Disk head is attached to disk arm
  • Latency
    • Single-track Latency
      • Rotational Delay
        • it must just wait for the desired sector to rotate under the disk head
    • Multiple Tracks
      • Seek Time
        • Seek: Move disk arm to correct track
        • Acceleration → disk arm gets moving
        • Coasting → arm moving as full speed
        • Deceleration → arm moves slow down
        • Settling → head is carefully positioned
          • settling time is significant
      • Transfer
        • where data is either read from or written to the surface
  • Track Skew
    • make sure that sequential reads can be properly serviced even when crossing track boundaries
    • When the disk needs time to reposition head
      • If there is now skew, the head need to wait for next block which requries whole rotation
    • Outer track has more sectors than inner tracks
      • More room geometrically
      • Multi-zoned disk drives
      • Each zone has same number of sectors
  • Track buffer
    • Cache
      • Just small amount of the memory
    • Drive has a choice
      • acknowledge
        • After put the data in its memory
          • Write back caching
        • write has actually been written to disk
          • Write through caching
    • Dimensional analysis
      • RPM
  • I/O time
    • Workload
      • Random
      • Sequential
    • Capcity and performance
      • High performance for searching
      • Low capacity
      • Low performance on searching
      • High capacity
  • Disk Scheduling
    • Due to the high cost of I/O
    • SSTF: Shortest Seek Time First
      • order the queue of I/O request by track
        • drive geometry is not available to the host OS
          • Nearest-block-first
      • Starvation
    • SCAN
      • simply moves back and forth across the disk servicing requests in order across the track
        • Sweep
      • F-SCAN
        • freezes the queue to be serviced when it is doing a sweep
      • C-SCAN
        • Circular SCAN
        • sweeps from outer-to-inner, and then resets at the outer track to begin again
      • Elevator algorithm → going up and down
    • Rotation Cost
    • shortest positioning time first, SPTF, SATF is the solution
  • I/O merging
    • Merge the request, reordering is performed upon the merged request
  • Work-conversing
    • How long should the system wait before issuing an I/O to disk?
      • immediately issue the request to the drive
    • anticipatory disk scheduling
      • non-work-conserving
      • waiting for a new and better request results better performance in average


