1 분 소요

Locality and the fast file system

  • Old file system was simple
    • The problem: Poor Performance
    • UNIX file system treated the disk like it was a random-access memory
    • Data was spread all over the place
    • the data blocks of a file were often very far away from its inode, thus inducing an expensive seek
    • Fragmented
    • Degramententation Tool
      • minimize the internal fragmentation
  • FFS: Disk Awareness
    • Fast File System
    • interface
      • open, read, write, and close
    • Cylinder groups
      • Single cylinder is a set of tracks on different surfaces of a hard drive
      • Block groups
      • Consecutive portion of the disk’s address space
      • placing two files within the same group
      • Super block, ib, db, inode, data block
  • how to allocate
    • find the cylinder group with a low number of allocated directories (to balance directories across groups) and a high number of free inodes (to subsequently be able to allocate a bunch of files), and put the directory data and inode in that group
    • to allocate the data blocks of a file in the same group as its inode
    • it places all files that are in the same directory in the cylinder group of the directory they are in
  • FFS policies
    • the data blocks of each file are near each file’s inode, and files in the same directory are near one another
    • common sense
  • Measuring File Locality
    • The random trace was generated by selecting files from within an existing SEER trace in random order and calculating the distance metric between these randomly-ordered accesses
    • 40% of file accesses were to either the same file or to one in the same director
    • a large file would entirely fill the block group it is first placed within
    • FFS instead spreads the file spread across groups
    • amortization
  • Internal fragmentation
    • internal fragmentation could thus lead to roughly half the disk being wasted for a typical file system
    • sub-blocks
      • 512-byte little blocks that the file system could allocate to files
      • the file system will continue allocating 512-byte blocks to it until it acquires a full 4KB of data
    • A second neat thing that FFS introduced was a disk layout that was optimized for performance
    • Parameterization
      • How many blocks need to skip to avoid extra rotation
    • FFS was one of the first file systems to allow for long file names
    • symbolic link


