1 분 소요

Low-level mechanisms of running processes

  • Series of scheduling policies (disciplines)

Number of simplifying assumptions → workload

*The assumption of the chapter

  • Each job runs for the same amount of time
  • All jobs arrive at the same time
  • All jobs only use the CPU (no I/O)
  • The run-time of each job is known
  • Scheduling Metrics
    • turnaround time: the time at which the job completes minus the time at which the job arrived in the system
      • T = completion - arrival
      • It is a performance metric
    • Fairness
  • FIFO (First in, First out)
    • First Come, First Served
    • Simple, but convoy effect → where a number of relatively-short potential consumers of a resource get queued behind a heavyweight resource consumer
  • Shortest Job First
    • Optimal scheduling algorithm
    • Can’t handle the short job that arrive late
  • Shortest Time-to-Completion First
    • Preemptive scheduler
      • Called a Preemptive Shortest job First
      • What about the response time?
  • Response time
    • Time from when the job arrives in a system to the first time it is scheduled
    • The methods above are not suitable for response time, so…
  • Round Robin
    • use time slice
    • But, the cost of context switching will dominate overall performance
    • Also, have the wrong time around metric
    • There is a trade-off between the performance and response time
  • I.O devices
    • Job initiate I.O request, block waiting for I.O completion
    • The scheduler schedule another job on the CPU at that time
    • Allows Overlap, with the CPU being used by one process while waiting for the I.O of another process to complete
  • Summary
    • runs the shortest job remaining and optimizes turnaround time
    • optimize response time using job slicing


