2 분 소요


  • unsupervised learning
    • density estimation
    • clustering
    • dimension reduction
    • factor analysis
    • representation learning
  • Clustering helps us understand the data samples
    • clustering → grouping samples in a way that samples in the same group are more similar to each other than to those in another group
  • Approaches for clustering
    • Connectivity based
    • Centroids based
    • distribution based
    • graph theoretic
  • hierarchical clustering
    • dendrogram in hierarchical clustering
    • bottom-up/top-down manner
      • agglomerative (bottom-up)
        • at each step, compute distances between all pairs of clusters, then merge the ones with the smallest distance.
          • distance between centroids
          • distance between the two closest or furthest points
          • define the number of clusters
          • use cohesion
      • divisive (top-down)
  • K-means
    • an unsupervised clustering algorithm
    • K → number of clusters
    • global convergence
    • only a local minimum is obtained
    • sensitive to initialization
    • sensitive to outliers
    • Algorithm
      • each vector will be assigned to one cluster exclusively
      • define dissimilarity measures such as Euclidean distance
      • K-means minimizes within cluster point scatter
      • It is an optimization problem

    • Issues
      • initialization is important
      • distance function (or metric) should be carefully chosen
      • K-means is sensitive to outliers
      • kMedoids → using medoids (one of the actual points)
  • mixture of Gaussian
    • a distribution can be approximated by a weighted sum of component Gaussian densities with parameters

    • latent variables

    • Gaussian densities with MLE
  • expectation maximization (EM)
    1. The Expectation-Maximization algorithm is the algorithm to find the maximum likelihood or maximum a posteriori estimates of parameters in probabilistic models. It repeatedly applies the expectation step and the maximization steps.
    2. In the expectation step, calculate the expected value of log-likelihood using the estimated value of a parameter. Particularly when dealing with incomplete or missing data, the expectation step involves calculating the posterior probability distribution of the missing data given the observed data and the current parameter estimates.
    3. The maximization step is finding a variable value that maximizes this expected value. The variable value calculated in the maximization step is used as the estimated value of the next expectation step.
    4. The process iterates between the E and M steps until convergence, where the parameter estimates stabilize. Using this algorithm, you can easily know one of the parameters or latent variables, when you know the other values.
      • an iterative optimization method to estimate parameters, given measurements X when there are hidden (nuisance) variables Z
      • it can maximize the posterior probability (or likelihood or joint probability)
      • a naive approach would be an alternate optimization between Z and estimate parameters
      • EM: lower bound

  • MoG training with EM

  • Difference between MoG and K-means
    • EM for mixtures of Gaussians is just like a soft version of K-means, with fixed priors and covariance
    • Instead of hard assignments in the E-step, we do soft assignments based on the softmax of the squared Mahalanobis distance from each point to each cluster.
    • Each center is moved by weighted means of the data, with weights given by soft assignments
    • In K-means, weights are 0 or 1
  • Spectral clustering
    • graphs:
      • natural way to represent many types of data
      • nodes corresponding to data samples
      • edges connecting the nodes
    • graph partitioning
      • graph cut
        • consider a partition of the graph into two parts A and B
      • normalized cut
        • considers the connectivity with the volume of each group
      • normalized cut derivation

    • competitive learning
      • a clustering algorithm related to humans based on neural network
    • when the number of clusters is unknown
      • DBSCAN (Density-based spatial clustering of applications with noise)


