1 분 소요

Density Estimation

  • for a data sample, we need a vector to represent
  • for a dataset with many samples, we need the distribution of the samples to understand the dataset
  • Density Estimation
    • estimation of an underlying probability density function p(x) based on observed data
    • we can understand the population (unsupervised)
    • the density can be used for classification
    • parametric methods
      • assuming a functional form about the distribution (e.g., Gaussian)
      • estimating the parameters (e.g., mean and variance)
    • non-parametric methods
      • no assumption on the distribution
      • estimating the density directly from data
    • semi-parametric methods
      • a very general class of functional forms
      • with more parameters than parametric methods
  • estimation theory
    • estimating the unknown parameters from data
    • bias
      • error from assumptions in the learning algorithm
      • underfitting
    • variance
      • error from sensitivity to small fluctuations in the data
      • overfitting
    • bias-variance trade-off
  • maximum likelihood estimation (MLE)
    • a method of estimating the parameters of a distribution
      • by maximizing a likelihood function
      • the observed data will be most probable
    • maximum likelihood estimate
      • estimated parameter maximizing the likelihood function
    • https://angeloyeo.github.io/2020/07/17/MLE.html
  • likelihood of Gaussian distribution
    • how likely is the data to occur given the parameters
  • log-likelihood
    • the log function is monotonic and makes the likelihood equation much simpler
  • MLE for Gaussian

  • the mean estimator is unbiased, but the variance estimator is biased
    • maximum likelihood estimator is related to overfitting

  • histogram as a nonparametric method
    • probability of x in a bin

  • KDE and kNN
  • Semi-parametric method
    • Mixture of Gaussian


