1 분 소요

Introduction to AI & ML

Came from Henry Choi’s Lecture and ChatGPT’s explanation

  • Introduction to AI
    • Weak and Strong AI
      • strong AI: understanding Chinese
      • weak AI: simulating the ability to understand Chinese
    • Applied AI and General AI
    • Computationalism and Connectionism
      • Computationalism
        • thoughts are computation on symbols
          • Symbolic, interpretable
          • e.g) Turing Machine
      • Connectionism
        • Information is represented in neurons and networks
          • Low-level, black-box
          • Neural Networks
    • Turing Test
    • Implementation level and algorithmic level
      • Implmentation level: how the system is physically realized
        • AI and Human Intelligence are different
      • Algorithmic level: how the system does, what representation or process it uses
        • 3 level for intelligent system
          • Learning, Computational level(what the system does and why), Algorithmic level
        • Can achieve some intelligence on approximation
    • Superintelligence
      • bootstrapping from “child machine”, brain emulation, biological cognition, brain-computer interface, networks, and organizations
    • Deep Neural Networks
      • Hebbian learning, perceptron, multilayer perceptron, deep neural networks
    • Practical AI risks
      • affected by viruses
      • misused by people with bad intentions
      • biased AI
      • taking over roles
      • unable to reject AI’s decision
  • Introduction to ML
    • What is learning
      • a computer program is said to learn from experience E with respect to some class of tasks T and performance measure P, if its performance at the tasks improves with the experiences
      • simple model (e.g., linear regression)
      • for supervised learning
        • Learning
        • Recognition
      • Complex models
    • Machine learning
      • Takes data and output → Makes program
      • source of knowledge is data
    • Workflow of machine learning
      • acquisition - data is gathered/collected from various sources
      • preparation - data is cleaned, preprocessed, and eventually becomes a dataset
      • analysis - data is evaluated to run and customize reports
      • modeling - data is patternized and generalized as models
      • visualization
      • deployment and maintenance
    • Components of ML
      • data: features, label, format
      • models: SVM, NN, K-means
      • objectives: cross-entropy, RMSE, likelihood
      • optimization - gradient descent, Newton, linear programming, convex optimization
    • Data
      • structured/unstructured
    • Categories
      • unsupervised learning
        • e.g., clustering, dimension reduction
      • supervised learning
        • e.g., speech/face recognition
      • semi-supervised learning
        • e.g., cancer detection
      • reinforcement learning
        • e.g., AlphaGo, self-driving car
    • Discriminative model and Generative model
      • Discriminative models: p(t x)
        • only for supervising
      • Generative model: p(t, x) or p(x t)
        • applicable to unlabeled data
        • focusing on modeling each class’ distribution
    • Pattern Recognition
      • measuring → preprocessing → dimensionality reduction → prediction → model selection -


