4 분 소요

Nonlinear Dimension Reduction

  • Kernel machine and manifold learning
  • extension of linear models with the kernel trick
    • kernel PCA
    • kernel Fisher discriminant (kernel FD)

  • Kernel trick
    • many ML algorithms are based on relations between samples’ inner product
    • The kernel trick is a method in machine learning and support vector machines (SVMs) that allows the application of a linear algorithm in a high-dimensional feature space without explicitly calculating the transformed feature vectors. It is achieved by using a kernel function to compute the dot product between the transformed data points, which implicitly represents the higher-dimensional space. This technique is especially powerful when dealing with non-linearly separable data, enabling linear algorithms to effectively capture complex relationships by operating in a higher-dimensional space.

  • Mercer’s theorem
    • any PSD kernel can be expressed as an inner product in some space
    • if a kernel function k(x, y) is positive semi definite(PSD), a PSD matrix can be eigen-decomposed

  • kernel functions

  • kernel PCA
    • Kernel Principal Component Analysis (Kernel PCA) is an extension of Principal Component Analysis (PCA) that utilizes the kernel trick to implicitly map input data into a higher-dimensional feature space. In traditional PCA, linear transformations are applied to find the principal components, but in Kernel PCA, a kernel function is used to capture non-linear relationships in the data. This allows Kernel PCA to uncover complex patterns and structures in high-dimensional spaces, making it particularly useful for tasks such as dimensionality reduction and non-linear feature extraction in machine learning.
  • kernel FD
    • Kernel Fisher Discriminant (KFD) is an extension of Fisher’s Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) that incorporates the kernel trick to handle non-linearly separable data. Fisher’s LDA is a method used for finding linear combinations of features that best separate different classes in a dataset. KFD, through the use of a kernel function, allows this linear separation to be performed in a higher-dimensional space, enabling the discrimination of classes in a non-linear manner. Similar to Kernel PCA, Kernel Fisher Discriminant is particularly useful when dealing with complex, non-linear relationships in the data.

  • manifold learning
    • usually, nonlinear dimension reduction
    • find the invariant property of a data set
    • linear methods (PCA, LDA, ICA, NMF, etc)
    • nonlinear methods (kernel PCA, kernel FD, Isomap, LLE, etc)

  • Isomap
    • manifold learning algorithms are to find the embedded manifold from data samples in a high dimensional space
    • Isomap algorithm

      • Deciding neighbors
        • KNN
        • epsilon neighborhood
  • kernel Isomap

    • positive semi-definiteness
  • locally linear embedding
    • keep the neighbors
    • Locally Linear Embedding (LLE) is a nonlinear dimensionality reduction algorithm that seeks to preserve the local linear relationships within a dataset. The key idea behind LLE is to represent each data point as a weighted linear combination of its neighbors, thereby capturing the local geometry of the data. Here’s a brief explanation of the LLE algorithm:
      1. Local Reconstruction:
        • For each data point in the high-dimensional space, LLE identifies its k nearest neighbors. These neighbors are the points that are most similar to the given point based on pairwise distances.
      2. Local Weight Optimization:
        • LLE then seeks to reconstruct the data point by finding the weights (coefficients) that best represent it as a linear combination of its neighbors. The reconstruction is performed in a way that minimizes the difference between the original point and its reconstruction.
      3. Global Embedding:
        • After obtaining the local linear representations for all data points, LLE seeks a lower-dimensional representation (embedding) for the entire dataset while preserving these local relationships. This is achieved by minimizing a cost function that enforces consistency in the local linear relationships across the entire dataset.
      4. Final Embedding:
        • The resulting lower-dimensional representation is obtained by stacking the embeddings of all data points. This representation captures the intrinsic geometry of the data, emphasizing the local linear relationships.
  • Isomap and LLE
    • Isomap takes a global strategy, while LLE local
    • LLE analyzes local linear coefficients and reconstruction error
      • no need to solve large dynamic programming problems
      • related to spectral clustering
  • stochastic neighbor embedding
    • probabilistically decides if points are neighbors to a given point
    • convert similarity into the probability
    • neighbors are selected probabilistically
    • use distances in a low dimensional space which define probabilities
    • compute KL divergence between the two probabilities
    • minimize KL with respect to yi
    • Stochastic Neighbor Embedding (SNE) is a dimensionality reduction technique that aims to capture the local and global structures of high-dimensional data in a lower-dimensional space. SNE is particularly effective at preserving pairwise similarities between data points, making it well-suited for visualization and exploration of complex datasets.
  • t-SNE
    • a symmetrized version of SNE with t-Student instead of Gaussian
    • t-SNE (t-Distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding) is an extension of the original SNE (Stochastic Neighbor Embedding) algorithm designed to address some of its limitations. Both SNE and t-SNE are nonlinear dimensionality reduction techniques that focus on preserving pairwise similarities between data points.
  • t-SNE and SNE


    • Crowding Problem:
      • One of the main challenges with SNE is the crowding problem, where points in high-dimensional space are too close together and end up being crowded in the lower-dimensional space. t-SNE addresses this issue by using a heavy-tailed distribution, leading to better separation of clusters.
    • Preservation of Global Structure:
      • While SNE can struggle with preserving global structures, t-SNE is designed to perform better in this aspect. It is often more effective in revealing the overall structure of the data.
    • Computational Complexity:
      • t-SNE can be computationally more expensive than SNE, especially for large datasets, due to the need to compute and optimize the heavy-tailed distribution
    • https://woosikyang.github.io/first-post.html
  • neural network approaches
    • weakness in manifold learning (kernel machine): it does not scale well with sample size. (scales quadratically with the size) the training data is referenced for test data
    • let’s get back to parametric models, especially neural networks
    • self organizing map
    • restricted Boltzmann machine
    • autoencoder (trained with backprop)


